Tag: The Prop Trading

Welcome to Our Awesome Blog!

The Prop Trading Important Announcement

The Prop Trading Important Announcement

The Prop Trading website is down after ASIC notice!

The Prop Trading interviewed Federico

The Prop Trading interviewed Federico

The Prop Trading has done an interview with Federico, who is a successful funded trader managing multiple profitable accounts.

The Funded Trader Program vs The Prop Trading video!

The Funded Trader Program vs The Prop Trading video!

We have prepared another comparison video for you guys! Watch our comparison between The Funded Trader Program & The Prop Trading!

The Prop Trading interviewed Art

The Prop Trading interviewed Art

The Prop Trading has done an interview with Art, who is one of their most successful and profitable traders at the moment.

FundedNext vs The Prop Trading video!

FundedNext vs The Prop Trading video!

We have prepared our first comparison video for you guys! Watch our comparison between FundedNext & The Prop Trading!

My Forex Funds vs The Prop Trading video!

My Forex Funds vs The Prop Trading video!

We have prepared our first comparison video for you guys! Watch our comparison between My Forex Funds & The Prop Trading!

New video comparison of E8 Funding VS The Prop Trading

New video comparison of E8 Funding VS The Prop Trading

Watch our comparison between E8 Funding & The Prop Trading below!

The Prop Trading August summary

The Prop Trading August summary

The Prop Trading is here with their August summary. You can see their incredible performance statistics for August 2022!

Comparison spreadsheet of 10 prop firm two-step programs

Comparison spreadsheet of 10 prop firm two-step programs

We have decided to compare 10 proprietary trading firm two-step evaluation funding program parameters in a spreadsheet.

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