My Forex Funds New Incredible Updates!

My Forex Funds is a proprietary trading firm founded in July 2020 whose CEO is Murtuza Kazmi. They have offices located in Toronto, Canada. The firm offers undercapitalized traders three different account types to get funded with and a chance to work with up to $2,020,000 capital while earning up to 90% profit splits. They provide themselves with their own broker named Traders Global Group, whose servers are located in Frankfurt, Germany.

My Forex Funds New Updates

My Forex Funds had a hectic previous week as they have been busy implementing new Updates. Now, let’s take a look at what they have been doing:

1) Their new dashboard is pretty much done. They are implementing the transition plan now and will announce a go-live beta soon. Most of the changes are internal engine-based, and the extra bells and whistles will be added slowly and carefully in patches.

2) C-trader is up. The feed is set up, but it can only be released once it’s programmed into the new dashboard. The delays in C-trader are purely due to the dashboard integration and risk management tools that are part of that. There is some internal learning going on as well with C-trader. It’s very different as the company that owns it hosts the servers, and the controls differ greatly from MFF’s existing bridge. Due to this reason, people should be prepared for some differences between mt4/5 and C-trader, albeit minor.

3) Skrill, it’s done. They will be integrating it as part of the website updates soon; it’s possible this is the first thing you will notice if things do not go to plan.

5) RE: Brokerage. The firm still has the license, the URL, and the content, but to date, they have not had time to complete it. It’s a slow process, but once 1 and 2 are done, they should have the capacity to push it fast.

So, great updates by My Forex Funds. Looking forward to seeing these updates getting implemented. Well, lastly, don’t forget to use our discount code (forexpropreviews5) for a 5% discount, or Read the Review.